Thursday, February 14, 2013

Flerry And Flex - Work well together

After trying out a simple exercise with Flerry and Flex Air I am confident that we could get away with Java Swing completely and use Adobe flex as the front end for desktop application development.

I have replaced a few of my utility programs from Java Swing into Flex and they work very well.

For those who are new to Flerry , please follow the links to find out more..

Video Tutorials:

A few simple setup instructions to get it going.

  1. First create a Java project in Eclipse
  2. Rename the src folder to src-java using refactoring tool. This is required to differentiate flex and java code.
  3. Add your Java classes and packages.
  4. Go to Flash perspective and Add the project type "Flex project "
  5. Since it will be a Desktop application, convert it to Air application using the Add project type on the properties of the project. 
  6. Change the output of Java from bin to bin-debug/classes.
  7. Un comment the line {supportedProfiles} from {project}-app.xml file and just leave the "extendeddesktop" in it. 
  8. That should be it, download a demo project code from google.

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