Thursday, January 19, 2012

Quick Setup Instructions for MediaWiki

MediaWiki Setup Instructions.

  • Install Apache 2.2 or later 
  • Install Mysql 5 or later 
  • Install PHP from the zip version, just extract the files to a directory. The main directory should contain php5apache2.dll  and similar dll files. 
  • Setup PHP to work with MySqL by uncommenting the lines in php.ini file
    1. extension_dir="c:\php5.3.5\ext" 
    2. extension=php_mysql.dll

  • Setup PHP and Apache by adding these lines into httpd.conf
    1. LoadModule php5_module "c:/php5.3.5/php5apache2_2.dll"
    2. AddType application/x-httpd-php.php 
    3. PHPIniDir "C:/php5.3.5/"
    ** Note to change the Php installation directory to yours.

  • Create a database for the Wiki(dc_wiki_db), create a user/pwd and assign privileges for the user to this db. 
  • Download mediawiki latest version. 
  • Unzip the mediawiki zip file into the root directory of Apache, usually htdocs unless you have changed it. 
  • Navigate to the index.php file under the extracted mediawiki folder from the browser and follow the setup instructions. 
  • The installation will create a LocalSettings.php file under the root directory of mediawiki, this is the main configuration file for the mediawiki.

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